space space


Year:2012Picture of 'Coerceo'
Designer:Erik Gortzen
Publisher name:Coerceo Company
Status:In print
No. of players:2
Age:7 years
Duration:¾ hour
German reviews:BrettspieleReport, ReichDerSpiele, SpieLama
Press info:COERCEO™ (pronounced as Ko-her-Kee-jo) is an abstract strategic board game and is played by two players who alternate moves, strategically positioning their pieces, with the objective to capture the pieces of the opponent.
The game board shrinks in size during play, which adds an extra dimension to the game, increases its complexity and keeps players pieces in close proximity.
Although the design, look and feel of Coerceo with its 4-sided pyramid game pieces is considered timeless, it is a relatively young game. Coerceo was invented and is produced in the Netherlands. Coerceo is a winner of the Mensa Mind Games® competition 2012.
Last modified:11.04.13

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